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The Monks Return For The Great Blessing

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Once again, on the Epiphany, the Saint Edward Brotherhood Monks returned to my home town of Chertsey for the Great Blessing Of The Waters.

There was a great turn out this year, as the Epiphany fell on a Sunday, with plenty of worshippers, onlookers and dogs! I’ve written before about the history behind the Great Blessing and you can read more in this post from last time, and this one from the time I visited the monastery.

It was very busy on the bridge so I chose to stand on the bank below again, which was quite limiting in terms of viewpoint and having a restricted view caused by the wooden bridge side, but better than the backs of a lot of heads!

After the service was concluded the congregation were all blessed with water from the River Abbey, before retiring to the barn for a light lunch, including some home made wine which I tried as I was walking home!

There’s not much to add so I’ll let the photos do the talking – just click on any image to open the gallery and see them large.