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Nature Strikes Back – Breaking Through Old Concrete

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One of the truly remarkable things about my Spirit Of Brooklands project, was the realisation that nature is incredibly resilient, and, when left to its own devices, could prosper after apparent destruction. You would think that the laying of 3 miles of 6 inch concrete, would bring an end to the chance of anything growing there, but as this photo shows, nature can break through, and even thrive. 

Night photo of leafless trees and bushes growing out of the former Brooklands Motor Racing track, taken against a deep blue night sky.
The Railway Straight, Brooklands Race Track

There are bushes and tree growing on the old Brooklands motor racing circuit now. This photo was taken at the end of January, so the flora is bare due to the season, but in the height of summer, it is in full bloom.

I saw a video recently by Simon Sinek, in which he said that we need to rethink the climate emergency; we aren’t destroying the planet, but we are potentially ending mankind’s existence on it. I’ve long held a similar view; we aren’t capable of destroying the earth, but we are, at best, irrevocably changing the way we live on this planet or, at worst, bringing an end to the existence of the human race.

Anyway, enough cheery thoughts, back to the project! This photo was taken in a similar location to the previous one, on the old Byfleet banking, just as it starts to bank. It is by an industrial park, and you can see the shadow of some railings in the foreground, which protect the back of the business units.

Despite being lit primarily by the lights in the industrial park, the exposure time on this photo was still several minutes, so I did a lot of running up and down to keep warm!

I will continue adding more stories about the series throughout the year, so stay tuned for more.